Valeria Bidoli

Valeria Bidoli


Product Description

I am a life coach and holistic therapist and I am trained in many techniques.

I have a scientific back ground (engineering) but in my personal quest to find balance and harmony in life, I have left behind my career in the corporate sector and started my journey of self-discovery, development and spiritual awareness.

I’m a passionate about mental health and well-being, and I find joy in empowering individuals to find their path to balance, happiness and harmony through understanding and breaking self-limiting belief systems and releasing repressed emotions and energy.

I help my clients to transform what is holding them back in their life and to heal core wounds and attached beliefs trough a holistic approach that includes coaching/mentoring joint with Hypnotherapy, NLP, Inner Child Work, Psycosensory therapies (EFT, Hevening…), BWRT®’ and other tools. This is what empowers them to find freedom and the ability to finally create the life they deserve and truly want.

I hold a judgment-free and loving space for your transformation to unfold. I am prepared to feel with you, to laugh with you, and to cry with you. As a result, you will feel safe and comfortable. I will support and guide you back to the truth of who you are and always were meant to be.

During my sessions I follow my intuition and I mix and match different techniques according to what is required by each client to get to the best possible outcome.

I usually work Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm but other days/times can be arranged.
It can either be in person (I usually prefer) or on line (onZoom, Whatsup, Face Time…).

Qualifications: I am a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Mind coach, Rapid Transformational Therapist, NLP Master Coach and Practitioner, Time Line Master Practitioner, Psychosensory (Havening techniques, Emotional Freedom Techniques, MBIR) and BWRT Practitioner, Reiki master teacher and Energy Healing Practitioner.