Gaylene is a specialised health coach focusing on the mind, body, brain, heart connection and innate body wisdom in her work as a Meta Consciousness, EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, and Matrix Birth Reimprinting practitioner.
 She is also a registered midwife and nurse of many decades mostly in caring for sick, premature and well babies, their mothers, fathers and families.

Gaylene is fully insured,  lives in New Zealand, works locally and online nationally and internationally.
She offers a free 30 minute intro chat. Then, if we resonate with one another, an option for a single 90 minute session is available however Gaylene recommends booking in for 5x 90 min sessions to have the experience she can offer you.

You can find out more including what a coaching session with Gaylene looks like, on her website

To contact Gaylene: email, or via her website contact page:





If you have been diagnosed with or suspect you may have a pre-existing medical condition, please consult your GP for advice before starting any new therapies.

Verified Therapist

Message Practitioner

    Preferred contact method

    Additional Information


    Gaylene has nearly 50 years of nursing experience.
    Her specialty areas:
    *  in utero, pregnancy, birth and beyond traumatic experiences and reconnection of the baby and their family (your baby self or your children)
    *  mind, body, brain, heart connection and innate body wisdom in working with health concerns

    Education and Training

    Registered Nurse plus Post Graduate Intensive Care Certification
    Registered Midwife
    META Conciousness practitioner - qualification as Meta Health Master Practitioner since 2014.
    Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/Tapping)
    Matrix Reimprinting
    Matrix Birth Reimprinting
    EFT/Matrix Reimprinting Ambassador
    BodyTalk Access Technician
    Vaccine Clearing Training certification

    Professional Body Memberships

    Matrix Reimprinting
    International Meta Consciousness Academy (IMCA)

    Languages Spoken

    • English